Trademarked brand, website, domains and Intellectual property and quality stock.

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Type: Offre Catégorie: Entreprise (M&A) Secteur: Santé / Services sociaux Canton : Zurich (de) Chiffre d'affaires: CHF 10K - 25K Prix: CHF 250K Employés: 1 Forme juridique: Entreprise individuelle Fondée: 2018 Transfert: Immédiatement Immobilier: Pas d'immobiliers


An opportunity to buy a functioning business and recognised Swiss quality brand with a global trademarks that resonates with quality, distinction and purity. PURETERNIA is a well recognised premium brand with registered trademarks in Europe, the US, and most countries worldwide.

Key Highlights:

 • Strong Digital Presence: Ownership of top-tier domains including .com, .ch, and other major European markets.

 • Swiss Base: Fully-functional Swiss website (.ch) ready to capture a significant market segment.

 • Rich Inventory: Existing stock valued at over 30,000 CHF.

 • Supplier Connections: Direct contacts to the main supplier, ensuring a smooth transition and continuous supply chain.

 • Unparalleled Legitimacy: Trademark rights in key global markets for undisputed brand protection.


What's Included:

 • Full rights to the “PURETERNIA" brand name and logo.

 • Trademarks in Europe, the US, and various other countries.

 • Top-tier domain ownership, inclusive of .com, .ch, and major European markets.

 • Fully operational .ch Swiss website with customer support, marketing and logistics apps.

 • Current stock valued at over 30,000 CHF.
 • Direct access and introductions to our primary supplier.
 • Social media accounts with good engagement/following. 


ID d'annonce 26239

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Calculatrice financière

Capitaux propres:
CHF 100K
Crédit bancaire: CHF 150K
Pouvoir d'achat: CHF 250K
Manque de fonds: CHF 0
Prix d'achat: CHF 250K
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